Tuesday 28 February 2017

Postmodern media - from the specification

Postmodern Media

  • What are the different versions of postmodernism (historical period, style, theoretical approach)?
  • What are the arguments for and against understanding some forms of media as post-modern?
  • How do post-modern media texts challenge traditional text-reader relations and the concept of representation?
  • In what ways do media audiences and industries operate differently in a postmodern world?

Candidates might explore combinations of:

How post-modern media relate to genre and narrative across two media, computer / video games, virtual worlds, augmented reality and new forms of representation, postmodern cinema, interactive media, social media and social networking, reality TV, music video, advertising, post-modern audience theories, aspects of globalisation, parody and pastiche in media texts or a range of other applications of postmodern media theory

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